Capture Your Grief Day 11: Support

There have been many supportive people who have helped me through my grief and loss, especially recently. So many fellow loss moms I have met and who have been wonderful and who are doing this project too. I really have been blessed, for every un-supportive person I have met, I have one that means the world to me and far out weighs the negative.

However, there are 2 people specifically that are especially worthy of mentioning. The first is my mom, Heather. She has walked the road of grief and pain with me long before my daughter died, before anyone else stood with me, back when I was truly alone. She was also physically there at my greatest moment of need, when my daughter made her journey from this world into eternity. (I had the honor this past Spring to return the tender and painful gesture when we watched her love of 31 years, my father, join Skye in eternity.) The days immediately following Skye’s death were special and sacred as she was again there for me to walk with me the very first part of my journey, both figuratively and literally, in the woods of Central Kentucky as Fall retreated and the icy cold of Winter began to wrap its fingers around my very soul. I believe I am stronger now because of her nurturing support during my shattered state, when the shock and numbness kept me from feeling my wounds enough to care for them. She helped bandage my heart and change the dressings, so to speak.

The other person who has been there completely, more than any other person could be, is my husband, Josh. He lost the same thing I did at the same time. His world was touched and shattered by the same beautiful little life in the same way. He was strong when I was broken and lifeless, he held me emotionally, physically, and he never judged the stages of grief I was going through. He kept us going financially right after Skye died, he was the one to go back to work, despite the fact that he was as broken as I was. He continues to this day to support me in being a stay at home mom, knowing that even though we could do a whole lot better financially if I worked, my time with our kids is so much more important to me and ultimately to him. He’s my rock. We’ve been through so much more in 6 years than most people have in a lifetime. We’ve seen the best and the worst, life and death, and he has done his best to be the person I needed him to be at all the different times. We’re all human, its been far from easy and perfect, but the body of work has been support, love, and faithfulness. A woman could not ask for a better man to walk this road with.

Day 11: Support
(top) My mom and I just days after I buried my daughter, on the very beginning of the carrying on process. (bottom) My husband and I this past July, a couple of months shy of the 4th year anniversary of our world shattering. These 2 have supported me in ways nobody else ever could.

2 Responses

  1. I am an emotional train wreck today. This post just sent me over the edge. I am just speechless. Soon I will write about the support you have always been to me. Love…..

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